About us

Electra Research was born from a desire to make meaningful climate impact as fast as possible using existing technology.

We were lucky to come into being at a time where battery technology is just cresting the threshold of usability for in-home battery backup, and where induction stoves are ripe to be adopted by most people in America—better than gas cooking on every dimension of performance and usability.

The most important thing for climate change is a city's battery capacity. Electra frees two birds with one key—each purchaser benefits from better cooking than gas or electric, reduced energy bills, improved air quality in their home, and we all benefit from the additional battery capacity making it possible to run more of our grid off of renewables.

Meet our team

Bert Profile Pic
Bert Muthalaly
Bert is a technologist and innovator with over a decade of experience in high-performance computing at Google and other startups. He attended the University of Texas at Austin.
Greg Profile Pic
Greg Shakar
Greg is a Research Fellow at NYU focused on quantum computing and teaching students the art of microelectronics. In his free time he builds MRI machines and musical instruments.
Harold Cooper headshot
Harold Cooper
Harold is a software engineer with a decade of experience working independently for companies like Google and Ebay. He graduated from MIT with degrees in math, electrical engineering, and computer science.
Coco headshot
Coco Walsh
Coco is an electrical and software engineer with a decade of experience in applied electronics at startups and nonprofits such as the Internet Archive (Wayback Machine). They hold degrees from Carnegie Mellon and Rutgers University in math, physics, and computer engineering.